fresnes on stage
Tuesday march 7th 20h / Odéon 6e
Friday march 24th 20h / Malakoff scène nationale
Rage and mystery
Far from prudence, alongside René Char and Lautréamont, we will try to penetrate an unknown zone where poetry would be, for a moment, sovereign. Djino Sabin and Elsa Agnès
Since January 2023, Djino Sabin, dancer of the company and the actress Elsa Agnès lead a workshop of artistic practice for a group of 12 prisoners in the penitentiary center of Fresnes.
This workshop is part of the mediation actions of the company. Djino Sabin, performer on the piece Souls, is inspired by the choreographic language of Olivier Dubois.
Nourished by the practices and know-how of the two speakers, these workshops invite the participants to tell their stories through dance and stage work.
Within the framework of two leaves of absence, the group will present the fruit of this work on the stage of the Odéon on Tuesday March 7 at 8 pm and then at Malakoff scène nationale on Friday March 24 at 8 pm.
A restitution within the penitentiary is planned on March 6.
Since 2016, the Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe has been collaborating with the Fresnes penitentiary and the Val-de-Marne probation service, offering a group of inmates the opportunity to learn about theater under the guidance of artists. Each season, a new project is presented at the Théâtre de l’Odéon 6e. For the first time this season, the Odéon is partnering with Malakoff scène nationale. The workshops are in partnership with the company MidiMinuit and the company Olivier Dubois.
In partnership with the Val-de-Marne prison service, L’Odéon, théâtre de l’Europe, Malakoff scène nationale and the company MidiMinuit
with the support of the Fondation Sophie Rochas and the Fondation de France