Creation 2012
Choreographic poem for 18 dancers created at the Festival d’Avignon on 23 July 2012
Olivier Dubois
Creation Assistant
Cyril Accorsi
François Caffenne
Patrick Riou
Emmanuel Gary
Sound and light coordination
François Michaudel
Interpretation for the creation
Benjamin Bertrand, Arnaud Boursain, Marie-Laure Caradec, Sylvain Decloitre, Marianne Descamps, Virginie Garcia, Karine Girard, Carole Gomes, Inès Hernández, Isabelle Kürzi, Sébastien Ledig, Filipe Lourenço, Thierry Micouin, Jorge More Calderon, Loren Palmer, Rafael Pardillo, Sébastien Perrault, Sandra Savin
Duration of the show 90 minutes
Production Compagnie Olivier Dubois
Festival d’Avignon • L’apostrophe scène nationale de Cergy-Pontoise et du Val d’Oise • CENTQUATRE-PARIS • La Rose des vents Scène nationale Lille Métropole à Villeneuve d’Ascq • Mâcon Scène nationale • Ballets de Monte-Carlo/Monaco Dance Forum • Malandain Ballet Biarritz dans le cadre de l’accueil studio
Supports for the retake of Tragédie in 2022
Mattatoio and the Festival Equilibrio/Fondazione Musica per Roma
ULTIMA VEZ – Win Vandekeybus
Mercat de les flors, Barcelona
“Man now expresses himself through song and dance as the member of a higher community; he has forgotten how to walk, how to speak and is on the brink of taking wing as he dances.
Each of his gestures betokens enchantment.”
To experience mankind as one blinding, dazzling, deafening body. To be unable to distinguish between individual bodies so that archaic impulses rise forme these moving masses. In Tragedie, Olivier Dubois immerses spectators into a feeling of the world rather than a choreographiy. Being human is not synonymous with humanity – such is the tragedy of our existence. Because it is only through our bodies, through the telluric tension born from the steps taken by each and everyone of us through our conscious and deliberate commitments that this humanity will emerge.
Overexposed in their nudity so as to incarnate the obvious anatomic differences between them, nine women and nine men articulate an original bodily condition, a quest of their human nature freed from psychological, historical and sociological problems … Ultimately forming a chorus like a glorious body/song.
To walk, to stand upright to face up, first through constant back and forth movements twists and turns, then by pounding the floor and thus reiterating with steps the basic gesture or their willpower.
As with Revolution, Olivier Dubois has created an obvious, obsessive or even hypnotic show where these women and men blend and disappear in a fluctuating movement, the friction of their clashing bodies causing a racket. A gap opens up and in this terrestrial commotion lets us catch a glimpse of the precious transcendance of the human community.