7 x Rien

Création Jeune Public


Olivier Dubois


Christine Corday, Sophie Lèbre et Camerone Bida

Duration of the show

45 minutes


Centre Chorégraphique National Roubaix-Hauts de France

A journey to the heart of my emotional, bodily and human piracies.
I was born a pirate so I shall be the captain of this body-vessel sailing on the choppy waves of life.
My soul battling, my stomach screaming, my crotch quivering my eyes rolling – I want to acknowledge all these torments. Maybe being aware is already being in control a little.
So I shall remain curious about these unknown lands. It’s by flirting with them that I will experience their charm and poison.

This confrontation with our ‘capitals’ will never be direct, never commented on and rarely shown. It will be felt!
This means setting free everyone’s feelings. Being able to understand isn’t always about seeing but about sensing the reason for our moods – the antidote-poison.
It’s an invitation to be curious in order to understand the equilibrium of our inner and social worlds not as a struggle between opposing forces but as a wisdom of equilibriums.
Aluminium – the set design, costumes and accessories will feature nothing but aluminium!
We will dance in it (a trio, a duet and a solo), talk about it (a tale), see you (photographs) an immerse ourselves in it (an installation).